are enthusiasts weeks in Greece!
Just two weeks building campaign introduced in Greece in Mesochori our motley team of many experiences and rich experience on many levels.
Team: Three students at the HTL Zeltweg, three seniors and two girls as cheerleaders from Italy.
Our goal Mesochori, a village in the beautiful mountains of northern Greece.
Our journey: By minibus from Wilfried dumb it was of Knittelfeld on Slovenia - Zagreb - Belgrade after more than 1040 km Sofia. In the capital of Bulgaria, we had one reserved in downtown hostel (very cheap and very friendly) and could explore in the evening and the next morning the city.
The next day we had to manage only 320 km to Mesochori.
The return trip was again with a stop in Sofia.
Our "clients". An organizing committee of the association "Peliti" Organic farming is organized every year at Easter, a "Pan-Hellenic Festival to exchange plants and seeds." Leader: Panagiotis Sainatoudis
Our Mission: We expected to prepare for the festival, all possible assistance, such as making tables, booths and sun tents and to provide similar yet we were on the first day face a real "construction project":
should consist of a stack of different logs we build a shed roof. There were no plans and so was first set up the "Architectural and engineering services" provided. - How good that an experienced architect and seniors were!
After preparing the site with the excavator in the community and a shopping trip with the "client" Panagiotis we could then the woods Prepare to dig the foundations and an auger.
Since the Good Friday in the Orthodox Church is a great holiday we had to take a break and used the day to a trip to the sea in the city of Kavala. But we continued on Saturday.
went there on Easter Monday and then on Friday morning, after a week of work, we could then put in the same Austrian tradition tree on the finished building.
The joy of the Greek community was great and the local structural engineer praised our work.
The remaining time we have used to for on Saturday the 10th April Festival planned to help with other preparations. Our
Hosts and their friends:
addition Panagiotis and his wife Sofia took us nor their relatives and friends with great cordiality. As volunteers, we were not alone but volunteers of all ages and from many countries (France, England, America, Australia, Turkey, etc.) are working on the preparation of the festival and in the Garden of Peliti. Countless hands were preparing for all those present helper helpers and friends and then for all guests of the festival (over 1000 people) rich meals. - Sisters of a convent Larrissa contributed all sorts of delicacies, and especially Greek feta. - For those who were not entirely happy with the vegetarian diet It was also in town Paranesti souvlaki and lamb as well as Retsina, Greek beer and coffee (including the internet).
celebrate: was to celebrate a special course for Easter (which was celebrated this year in the Orthodox Church on the same date) that we could celebrate together some in the church and on Easter Sunday with a large communal feast, music and dance.
The festival was then another highlight, with lectures, seed and plant exchange, however, especially with incredible joy, communication, music and dance was held. Since
took our daily working hours of 9.00 bis 14.00 clock stopped us otherwise still time for hours together in our group and with the other volunteers.
Arts: Like the aforementioned trip to Kavala, we found possible environment to explore the northern Greek mountains (it is near two large reservoirs) and by train, bus and even reached the university town of Xanthi with enough youth. - The place Paranesti frequently was our evening destination.
overall summary: It was a great structural bearings and it was often the saying: "We'll be back!"
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