from a parish Grazer Journal Inspired by the team ON the Styrian, Austrian Caritas took Bauorden
in 2010 the project of restoration on Barack Grünanger in Graz on 3
time since 2008 in the annual program for volunteer help in building projects.
could be six young people are excited for the two-week mission
and so Ruud worked with his sister, Judith Holland, Idriss from France, Björn and Julian from Germany and Renee Antoinette from Italy together under the guidance and coordination of DI Wilfried Stummer, architect HTL and retired - teachers from Seckau on a project in the other lane.
The barracks, which will serve as a home in the future, Thomas P., was free of debris and
rotten floors and installed an exterior insulation and outer casing of wood
. Inside were also Thermal insulation and wall coverings
attached and a concrete floor. The installation of partitions was
created a sanitary room and the necessary installations in collaboration with companies eingebaut.Die work of young volunteers was infectious
and residents from the village always packed with, put your
tool available and contributed to the new residents. All
called Help is an essential support for socially vulnerable people
and so the basic task of the International Building Code. (Since it is the Bauorden 1953) The experience of many construction materials depot, however, shows that the idea of the founder Father Werenfried vanStraaten merge (the "Bacon Priest") young people from different countries for two to four weeks in the international community help, brings much more. As a participant in the past 10 Construction bearing I could always do what impressions and experiences of young (and older) people from the
encounter with people of other countries of the time working together and getting to know the
take other countries for their lives. Of each building campaign, we kept going richly rewarded with experiences home zurück.Aus all the experience I can only encourage the work to support the Austrian Building Code. There are several possibilities:
• Participation in a construction materials depot (age 18 to 80 years younger) at home and abroad. •
donation to account No. 1660009 PSC, code 60000 to the work of the Building Code to
years to secure.
• Friends and family, and especially young people enthusiastic about the idea and
you to enable participation in an aid mission. There
information, please visit or the bull market in
Arch Ing Wilfried Stummer at Tel: 0680 3102 432
Wilfried Stummer