Sunday, October 31, 2010

How To Write A Community Service Letter To Court


Read: the new Ottobre
Sung: children's song is for the Minikeks
: high Charts and down
Viewed: * eaten
water, apple juice, coffee, Cappu :: by a miracle, and * * * Eat Pray Love
drunk Mussels warning this month the my HighLight
Cooked: every day again and again new, well-known, liked
happy: a lot ... especially with a super message
Geknipst: the biscuits and new achievements
Laughed: when I laugh sometimes not
Annoy: a very very stupid person
Sewn: not much : (
Bought: new my stash, patterns and many other useful and important
Played : board games and a game from the home side
Celebrated this month times nix
Chill: joy, happiness, sadness, anger and even hate this time was


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