Thursday, March 3, 2011

San Jose Zumba Clothes Store

Good Old Times

I'm in one of my last posts so schonmal mentioned
that I am a great lover of the old
Immenhof films from the 50s.

I have both ancient video cassettes and on DVD
to * Again Watch * :-)

As soon as the first scenes flash across the screen,
I am a child again and I feel like the little girl of those days ...
with flushed cheeks and a blissful smile on his lips
fever I the stories of Dick, Dolly and Grandma Jantzen contrary ♥

I can to the regret of all the in the area include, memorize
any dialogue and sing songs all ...
and am I then sometimes like always ;-))

How I wish I could have lived during that time ..
a simple, yet satisfying (country) life
with an eye for the essentials.

Well ... a little "Immenhoffeeling" I'm here, too :-)
very proud I am of my old film program from 1955.
I have it framed, of course
and given it a place of honor :-)

I would like to welcome you hereby
the way in my new blog category
* * flirtation

How do I know myself,
is over time to get some ;-)

♥ Much love ♥



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