Sunday, November 28, 2010

Kates Playground Image


chaotic ... .. ... .. creative contemplative
... so he ran off this year with us ...
early ... we went to flea market NEN ...
... mitags gabs unscheduled roast hot dogs instead of Advent ...
... afternoon was tinkered weihnachdeko ...
... the first place for baked at home ...
the early evening ... burned the first modest little light ...

... very late at night to sleep as all cookies sewn ...
... MuPass a shell from the great new FM my stash and black corduroy ...
... with a small compartment for the U.S. images ...

... I wish you a great start to the week ...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How To Fix Ps3 Dongle

we try it in the 2nd Year?
less complicated this time?
This year is the opening of the door is not connected with nasty competitions and endless puzzles.
to only a few days, then stand when large profits, it may be that there is something tricky is.

Anyone who wants to experience during my Christmas calendar great, exciting, exciting and
small surprises
report of the provider from today.

reading but you should observe the conditions of participation!
you will find them here:

Friday, November 26, 2010

Congrats To Coworker Who Found A New Job

Now I can also show again what

... but not much ...
... BUT I got my big project finally finished ...
Zoe ... the parade even before I finished quite some time now .... Ner

... the Yorki / Hoodie gabs on building for my son ...

a calendar ... and I can show twice already serves this ..:
to 24 be removed from the bag and the 24 it serves as a cozy pillow / Animal ..
... I have the FM section * * Lalia just increased by 5 cm ...
.. rings might be present during construction in the 30's * home-pack for 3 € .. until I found that it took a while too ...

... the remainder of the calendar (the girls) I show the days ...
... I am so glad that I now can delete them from my list and I finally work through my to-do list can continue ...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mens Intimate Waxing Ejaculation

New Model, Angel, favicons, Dawandastress

The Crochet you will now find on .

went for a chocolate butterfly photos on a long journey.
Did it the first time dared to send the prototype. Since the chocolate was thinking of Shippy,
I thought she should then get it.
It is suitable as gift packaging for small surprises.
real match for Christmas?

When the lid is on it, we do not see that it is a cover.
Arg, I'm still looking for a name.
Shippylolo Praline, Praline Shippyzart, Shippylecker Praline, Praline Shippysahne,
somehow sooooo?
What would be better?

--------------------------------------------- -----------

The angel is ready.

way he looks now.

There were the following changes:

1) It did not succeed, einzuhäkeln several spikes in dress that I practice times later.
2) The braids had to leave because it was too complicated with the wire.
3) The angel with a decent belt, after a long loop back.
4) The crown I crochet, it is mentioned in the instructions with my angel I save them out.
5) You will see a heart. The angel can hold anything, even chocolates.
6) The sleeves are tuned.
7) eyes, I let off, the face is actually quite small.

Oh tested, it is already.

Babsie was able to conjure up within hours an angel.
paced, rapidly. Sooooo pretty perfect for me.

Babsie corrected his arms and said to me, as they are better Häkelbar.
This is really lucky for me, even I would not have guessed.
The result is backed by outstanding and clearly shows that the documentation was not faltering, Babsie angel that is great. Only the instructions!

I did not expect to, I crochet even scratch.
In fact, it goes around the neck. Did well false information is given stitches.
arrived at the testing also found that I look at the tuft stitches should have a closer look, obviously there are different? I did not know that.

Yes, and soon, then he probably is finally done, the angel.



Perhaps you've noticed that now a mushroom on top of the tab appears
calls if your the blog?

Yes, that was a long time my wish.

Who wants to have a custom favicon find a highly recommended tutorial on

It is described beautifully with pictures, so a dry HTML code for the experience.
scratch the cat has even helped me to shrink the pictures, a very rare service.
schöööööööööööööööööööööööööööööön Thanks!
------------------------------------------------ is
Again it to the snail: -------

The snail.

had loooong long I wait, but now I've got photos.
Monika, You are a treasure. I am very, very, very!

Photos of Monika (top and bottom)

I especially like the soil, Monika hinzuhäkelte yet.
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Who wants to read ideal world, no longer please ...

first Dawanda:

A phase-out of Dawanda designed to be extremely difficult.
Ael I wanted to delete all the rest of this article, I received a "Drohnachricht" in a popup window,
that if I delete the articles, the articles also disappear the same from all lists would run.

what I call a well thought-adhesion contract!
Unfortunately, I need some evidence for the tax office, so I could make a complete cancellation does not exist.
I will therefore continue to pay for items that are no longer needed?

I like to decide for themselves what I pay and what not,
led the following compromise solution.

I put all items of minimal duration,
changed all the prices and put them to the minimum value

from a friend who can help me again and again the process of implementing funny ideas,
was I then buy all the items, then cancel the purchase.
other was not, unfortunately, what I now about 1.11 € or has such cost.

Allen a nice start in the next week.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Funny Birthday Messages, Jcb Driver

the riddle Solution - Variation of a fixed mesh, cross stitch

cross stitch (top)

crochet, classic (above)

Dear bloggers, readers, Häklerinnen, Commentators,

You are incredibly knowing, loving, helpful, häkelerfahren!
your many posts, and even some e-mails have me yesterday so moved that I trembled with joy, the happiness was near tears.

fact, it is you managed to find the desired stitch (see previous post).

You have impressed me, I think it's great when women stand together , network and
help each other.

Oh, occasionally I have sweated and got extremely grave doubts about my eyesight.
Some comments referred to the fact so that it will be a normal FM could.
Embarrassing would have to be not for me. NÄ?

pause for thought ...

As it is now to resolve:
It is a variation of a fixed mesh, which is a little different than the crochet, which we should all know as crochet. It differs from a "traditional" fixed mesh only by the type of Fadenholung.

Do you see yourself in the following link, you will find the cross stitch that was here but crochet in rows, and still produces a different suspect mesh.

crochets Their results in the cross stitch in rounds , then the sought charming crucified:

I thank you for your dedication, the many links
the Anhäkeln, looking up in clever books, even in bookstores, the self-testing it out over the crochet,
and for the final solution I first found in Jennifer's e-mail.

Since I not only looked after the mesh,
here's a thank you text from Sylvia, who has now hooked me truly, I thank

  You with all my heart. For years I ran this Maschenart every now and then on the way and I was very sad that my crochet looked so different, uneven halt. Now I wanted to know, and I finally dug throughout the network (in Liesels hobby factory), but I've always concentrated on the piercing and do not get to the thread. 
smartest and you can thank my crochet (in rounds) is now also look so beautiful. MANY THANKS FOR YOUR EFFORT! I love blogs!


Because you give me / us so much you helped, you'll get from me a new free guide .
you still need something nice for the big celebration on 24 12?

Stuffed with tender loving greetings from

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water Similar To Evian Available In Australia

Friday filler

first The problem is the pulls my major project such as chewing gum and slow is not fun anymore.

second Christmas cookies I love to do with the crumbs biscuits itself.

third If I'm feeling blue music and I need someone down to ausk ** else who suffers.

4th A few more weeks hold and curiosity in check hold .

5th The real Christmas for me starts feeling baked apples with vanilla sauce which we always are traditionally the first Sunday of Advent.

6th Harry Potter is not my thing

7th As What the weekend, tonight I am au f the sewing machine , tomorrow I cookie baking planned and Sunday I would like to enable my cookies a reunion with their grandparents in the country are finally back!

More Friday Filler can be found here

PS: sorry that it is currently legal heir still .. I hope I can during the weekend again with new items

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wavy & Curly Half Wigs

12von12 * * * Friday in November and Filler *

... Today, both times in a washing ...
... busy as hard ...

* 12 12 *

marvel 1.Dashbord check .. and enjoy other blogs very important
2.Päckchen for dear neighbors call?'s clear
third but can not be determined then that I can pick my own * * tztztz
bake 4.Samstagskuchen belongs to the free daily duty to
5.Wäsche merge .. Minikeks helps in their own way ^ ^
6.müden Minikeks the mittagsliche meal feed in beloved beanbag
then 7.mir a coffee break to indulge a little nervous lining
and study the way 8.The new idea of the basic school and decide not to fill the home side without
9.Mietze sneezed the rest of minikeks and lies down on her favorite place to sleep sleep
10.The domestic siesta is used to smooth the cut to minimize stabel
11.Kunst and creativity is at the house of chaos at the top .. but I am always amazed siblings cuddling on the ideas of the biscuits
12.abendliches before dinner ... there goes the heart of Mama

PS: more 12 of 12 found in their
Mr. Linky

first It sounds strange, but I'm not always calm well.

second noise * * Children is music to my ears.

third I am grateful for the happiness what I have and will be given to me .

4th I never thought of having ever want such a great partner / husband / father to my page and what it means : "never say never."

5th A rainy day is not going to get out not always a reason .

6th My children are with me ALWAYS is first of all this quietly me know ..

7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to is is my host at home and will not let me wait until midnight , tomorrow I have planned a meeting with my friend and your Family and Sunday I would like with my loved ones again in the pool !

More Friday Filler can be found here

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Repairing A Nordic Track Exp 2000 Treadmill

also once again had the time and looking back My Muse

... even slightly to withdrawal ...
dusty little machine ... grumble quietly to himself, without ...
... clamped but always ... dog-tired from sleep deprivation ...
... I am full of energy again yesterday roused ...
.. little machine dusted ...
... simple Zoela me a sweater from super nice warm knit without a neck cuff ...

... and Amelia with cuffs and a little longer ... .. sewn
daring the color .. I DO ...
like it ... the more pure and simple unless it is to ForalFox ...
... but the substance is so great ...
... like a second skin and especially pretty far stretch ...

... a Christmas calendar, I also started yet ...
... because I miss but still nen bissel material ...
... if the landlord even half an hour of me time ...
you go ... maybe I'll even towards Hardware find there ...

... otherwise are still a lot of stuff tailored ...
... the wait for the times I have time and especially the muse ...