Thursday, January 20, 2011

External Graphics Card For Sale

Beloved Denmark

For me there is no other place
on earth that I love more.
Since I am a child,
we go to Denmark .

As soon as I at the border
see the first red-flag ,
gets on my heart and I feel arrived.

The view from house sea,
sleep at night with an open patio door
and hear the rushing waves ...
daytime stroll long beach walks and
through sleepy villages.

evening with nice people, a glass of red wine sitting
front fireplace and good discussions ...
for me that is real quality of life.

Denmark has a very unique charm I think.
The dunes are beautiful nowhere
and the air is so clear and wonderful smells salty.

is too good, it also

to get fresh fish on the beach
of the returning boats .

The hustle and bustle and serenity
the local fishermen
fascinate me again and again.

potatoes and vegetables you buy here
way only at the roadside :-)
Everywhere small stalls displayed a fund
(or in this case, just a small zinc buckets)
and invite the self-service.
I believe something is possible here ...

If we someday emigrate ...
then probably Denmark :-)

The house are so cute and beautiful ..
because I am running now the head of cinema,
if a fascinated me in particular.
In no time did I "set up in my thoughts and
the laundry hanging outside on a leash * laugh *

Have but also a little wanderlust today ...
then I'm not alone ;-)
Much love


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