Friday, December 10, 2010

Images About Hymin Bleeding

first In general, I have no complaints.

second There are many large and small homemade Christmas gifts this year.

third In this weather I need each day my scarf which I may look like every time as M. is playing with.

4th potato salad with Viennese that reminds me of Christmas in my childhood.

5th My car runs master of the house because I still have no FS .

6th Time passes easily viiiieeel too fast in some points but far too slowly !

7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward on nibbling the crumbs biscuits for a children's film , tomorrow I have planned cookie baking the 10th and Sunday I would like lot done on my list have !

That was my Friday Filler by and with Barbara
more can be found here .

I wish to send you a contemplative and perhaps creative 3th Advent


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