Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Who Did Angela Devi Die

Lucky Stars

I baked!

No ...
no vanilla,
gingerbread and coconut macaroons.

are lucky star become: o)
The can buy nowhere,
Bake only herself.

Here is the recipe for you:

And because we are the great moments ; not
just wanted to enjoy alone,
have I also love to give away what friends
in the neighborhood.

I have to Keksgläser still beautiful
cards with a few nice words hung
and in front of our friends front door made.

I think it does not always something great to be Purchased,
others a to make fun .

This small attention is on all
arrived really good: o) * freu *

still short in the end:
Our Christmas menus are !
I had a sleepless night .... * Yawn *
More in next post.
Now I have to go to bed,
was the move all day and sooo tired o)

Much love


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