Thursday, December 30, 2010

Oaxaca Cheese Enchilada Recipe

... The year is ending ...

... it was exciting ...
keativ ... ...
characterized family ... ...
... with ups and downs ...
... with small / big miracles ...
... fulfilled dreams / wishes ...
... without my loved ones would have been just plain boring ...

... We will end it tomorrow in our small / large round ...
look back ... and look forward ...
... I'm looking forward to next year ...
... I'm curious what to expect ...
happened ... ... ...
impressed us more ...
laugh or cry ... we can ...

... sometimes we would also want to look like once adv ... want to draw
... in the right direction ...
... but would not be the boring? ...

questions posted in the round today horoscopes
a great idea for you to * HERE * ;! find

this would be mine

Aquarius (.. 21:01 to 19:02)

* No chance for boredom
Aquarians love Quirky Unusual
are crazy and unpredictable and often for their fellow men.
They contain a lot of creativity, but unfortunately not always a lot of stamina .*

*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*

I say goodbye for this year from blogging experience
Thanks for the people and the inspiration
the joy of sharing the smile can

and wish you a


... new year ...
let it rip ... girls ...
think ... and hug your loved ones ...
... let the year end is not in dispute ...
... looks confident in the new ...
are ... excited to see what it brings you ...

* I * virtual hug you
* happy me start with you this new year can *


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