Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Parrot Sleep Side Of Cage

My Review {10/10}

: KleinFormat3, Death invites you to dance by David Skibbins
Sung: * back, back ...*... cake and many more children's songs
Is Viewed öhmm a lot of radio
: great pictures, fantastic impressions
drunk: coffee, water, lemonade
Eaten: pomegranates
Cooked: trout fillet with boiled potatoes and dill sauce
happy: .. a lot especially small and very lucky
Geknipst: the crumbs biscuits and finished works
Laughed: when I laugh sometimes not
Annoy: Sewn about really jammerde only people who really in their own self-pity sink
: sweaters, Purchased ADVENT CALENDAR
: much
Played: board games with my biscuit crumbs
celebrated the birthday of my son
Chill: joy, happiness, fear, frustration


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