Monday, February 28, 2011

The Strongest Wood Known To Man

Weekend Feeling

as was your weekend?

So on Saturday I thought yes, here it is ...

... the spring a moving!
sun and mild temperatures .. wonderful!

I actually the whole day out
and I was in gewuselt garden.

smelled hands but unfortunately still missing after earth then ;-))
I have to I guess we have to wait a bit ..
But the grass I cut back and I was pleased to
that the hydrangeas and peonies cast already so great :-)

Otherwise, I've take it easy ..
currently WORKS for work pretty high here
and I feel totally exhausted often.

Better to switch back times a week a gear
limited and focussed on the essentials.
Mir hats well done :-)

Since last week I can my 300 readers welcome here.
I can not believe it still
that there really are people who regularly stop by here and happy :-)

I really would like to thank from my heart all of you out there!
me it's so much fun and with such reactions
I NEVER would have expected ...

Especially as I then decided against a pure establishment Blog I
and have always thought
that probably nobody cares but me ...
beautiful as that you have convinced me of the opposite! :-)

Also, my blog name has initially caused confusion for many.
Did but some, I had a dance studio ;-)
It was the first word that came to me for my blog
in the sense and the me and my life reflected.

all the more pleased me,
that you have at some point you decided
a look here to watch :-)


And the final here
the answer to my question,
which project I am currently in the pipeline ....

Got it? ;-))



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