Thursday, February 17, 2011

Western Theme Phrases

warning of shampoo!

I wanted wait with this wisdom until the next shampoo test
but I can not resist and would like to enlighten you ...

warning of shampoo!

WARNING! The danger lies in the use of shampoo

Who still not clear about where his love handles come from ...
I have just received the statement ...
Now I know where they come from finally rolls!

When I go into the shower, I wash my hair and always the same. Normally

The foam runs from shampoo to my Body and I think nothing of it ...
Today I once read what was on the bottle:

"for extra volume and more richness"


No wonder it is so difficult for me to control my weight!

I will from now on only use dishwashing liquid, because it says on it:
"also removes stubborn fat"

Special Thanks to Ulrike, who so often makes me laugh!


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