Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome Letter For Potential Clients-salon

KNORR / Bouillon Pure / Part 1

Thanks KNORR I am one of the 5000 Bouillon - testers.

were in my test package 4 product packages of Knorr bouillon Pur,
a tea towel and delicious recipes.

The broth is very versatile as a base for soups, Andu or to taste pure broth is made from high quality ingredients carefully prepared at low temperature, remains
get the full flavor.
And it tastes like homemade!

Bouillon Pur:
-without flavor-enhancing additives
- no artificial dyes

I'm looking forward, you leave tomorrow, look in my pressure cooker :-)

sources detection: Special Thanks to KNORR, product description by KNORR; Pic by me / farfalla


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